Our Classes


Before taking on THE most meaningful and exciting physical and emotional challenges of your life, you need to find an antenatal class which suits you. You want a relaxed and open platform to learn, and gain empowerment, while not paying the earth for the privilege. Enter… Little Stork!

Little Stork has identified the real need for women and their partners to feel better prepared to face the challenges of probably the most life changing experience anyone will go through. We want to make things as easy as possible for our couples, so we have chosen a fantastic central location in Little Green Frog café. Free parking is just a couple of minutes walk away from the light and airy quirky café, which we think will become a familiar hang out for our new Mummies and babies as their little ones grow, particularly as a baby friendly setting and coffee and cake become daily essentials when you’ve welcomed your new arrival!

When asked, one of the most valuable commodities for brand new parents wasn’t a £3000 limited edition leather Bugaboo (although they are pretty lush!) but it was the friendship and support of other parents, in the same position, experiencing the same challenges and changes- side by side. A passion of Little Stork is to help to bring like minded people together, to start to form that special relationship with you all.

The aim is simple- approachable, open and inclusive! Simple.

Our antenatal classes are:

  • held on four consecutive Wednesday nights
  • from 7-9pm
  • at the wonderful Little Green Frog café, Bakers lane, Lichfield
  • inclusive of course literature and refreshments
  • fifth week catch up once babies are in arms!

We suggest that you start the course after 28 weeks of pregnancy.

Little Stork’s four week course of antenatal classes costs £175 per couple