Tips from a Mummy……

Becoming a new Mum is a wonderful and incredibly special experience, no one is going to deny that. But (big but) it can be very overwhelming, so I’ve just put fingers to keyboard with a few of the top tips I wish I had known, before my Little Stork arrived:

  • Accept all offers of help –  this is a big one. It’s all well and good trying to channel your inner Beyoncé and Spice Girls, but the first few weeks after having a baby simply isn’t the time. You will spend the first few days/weeks/months feeling very tired, so accept offers of prepared meals and breaks for you to shower etc. Don’t be a martyr about it, you don’t win medals for this stuff. People will want to be helpful to you, so let them
  • Sleep when baby sleeps – like actually sleep(!) because you never know what the next night might have in store. If you can’t sleep, at least lie down and rest. Don’t worry about everything else you have to do (especially in the early days) House work can wait, but sleep is precious
  • Have plenty of maternity pads on hand; and not flimsy panty liners what would barely contain a sneeze… they need to resemble a super king mattress. Expect to bleed quite a bit, sometimes for up to six weeks or more. Also, if you have a vaginal birth, invest in some Femé gel pads from Amazon, (they like little ice packs for your lady bits)….. those things are AMAZING!! I could have quite happily kissed Mr Feme when I discovered them!!
  • Don’t forget to take pain relief regularly. This is a great job to give your partner in the early days, to keep reminding you when they’re due. Get him to make a note of the timing, so that you don’t take more than the recommended amount. I was terrible at remembering, and in a tired haze I’d forget, then immediately regret not keeping on top of it!
  • Expect to cry in the early days. At things which will seem entirely silly to cry about. My personal favourite ‘necessarily unneccessary weep’ was when we ran out of Ribena, and I was given Vimto instead. Just no.
  • If you feel those emotions linger for longer than the first few days, make sure you confide in your partner, a friend/family member, Midwife or Health Visitor about how you’re feeling. Make sure you know the early signs of postpartum depression and if you feel like things are getting too much – seek help. It’s normal and more common than you think.
  • Try to shower everyday- perhaps even go the whole nine yards and chuck on some BB cream, bronzer and a coat of mascara. It would make me feel (and look) so much better. It is so easy to live in pyjamas, but not looking after yourself is a sure fire way to start feeling down.
  • Learn that it’s OK to say no to visitors in the early days – while you’re super excited to show off your new baby, you do need time and space to recover and rest. Remember that in the early days, you’re still finding out about your new baby. Some visitors will expect A LOT, and it can be exhausting so don’t be afraid to turn people away.
  • Have a great network. Make friends with new Mummy’s so that you can chat and support each other, and be a friendly and understanding ear in the challenging moments. New Mum forums can be a great outlet, and line of support when you become a new mum but remember to take a lot of it with a pinch of salt, and don’t rely on these groups for medical advice for yourself or your new baby. If you are worried, contact the professionals.
  • Pre-prepare meals – Spag Bol, Chilli, cottage pie (spot the mince theme) is all so easy to batch prepare and stick in the freezer before your little one arrives. My Mum was amazing for this, so if people ask what you need…. meals for the freezer are a great shout! It’s one less thing you need to think about, and you’ll be so grateful for it. Just add fresh veggies, et voila!
  • Don’t feel as though you’re a burden to other people. I thought I could do it all myself and quickly learnt this was not the case…. plus people love to feel helpful. So go ahead, and make their day
  • Expect nothing – leave your expectations behind. Baby is going to do what it wants to do and no book or Mumsnet thread is going to change the way he/she is. The sooner we come to terms with this, the better.
  • Drop your standards  – this was hard for me. I tried to maintain a spotless house, knowing visitors would come over, while trying to find my feet as a new mum. It’s OK not to have vacuumed, nobody is judging you – plus, it’ll give your visitors something to do!
  • Remember it will get better – the hard times WILL pass. In the moment it can be hard to see, but trust me… it gets easier. Don’t expect to love every moment, and some days will feel about 3 weeks long. But rest assured, they do pass and the good moments make all the challenging ones melt away….
  • Invest in an ergonomic baby carrier (I loved my Connecta, as it was kind to my little ones hips, and on my back too!) They make the grizzly days much easier to deal with as you can carry your little poppet around while you get on with bits round the home. They tend to love the motion and you’ll have your hands free! Win win.
  • Be calm – having a newborn will be stressful at times, but the sooner you can get used to becoming more relaxed about things, the easier and more manageable it will all become.



N.B Above information and specific product recommendations are given from the persepective and experience as new Mummy, and is not intended as professional medical/midwifery advice.

Preparations underway….

With just under three weeks until our very first class, we’ve been very busy at Little Stork HQ.

We want to give our special couples informative classes, which are full of practical tips and advice, and also a bit of a giggle too. We’ve spent a long time coming up with various different activities to deliver the all important information, in a memorable and light hearted way (no cringing necessary)

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A Mother’s bond

My eyes have become a bit leaky… how beautiful is this?

A bond that will never be broken, from the moment you find out about the tiny little secret light glowing inside you, to the first time they are placed in your arms and beyond….


**Warning** over home-use fetal heart monitors

Please PLEASE don’t use these kinds of apps, or ‘home use’ fetal heart monitors.

They are neither safe nor accurate, and I have sadly seen too many cases where they have been used in substitute for getting checked by a professional, and it has been tragically too late  

If you have concerns about your babies movements or wellbeing, please contact your maternity service provider and get checked over without delay. Never wait until the next day to call up, report any changes to your baby’s pattern of movements to your maternity provider.


Pitter patter of tiny feet?

Are you expecting the pitter patter of tiny feet this year?

Fancy finding out more about birth and the early days with a baby?

Why not meet some other parents to be?

Best of all, all our classes are taught by qualified Midwives with a passion for antenatal education, so you can expect fact and fun! Win

Our first class starts 15th February at Little Green Frog cafe in Lichfield  

Please spread the word with anyone who you think might like to join us
